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Shah Istiaque*
Mahbuba Ahsan
Tusar Kanti Roy
Md. Mokhlesur Rahman


Urban waterfronts have inevitable linkage with sustainable urban living. To ensure sustainable urban development, waterfronts of the cities must be considered carefully while planning for an urban area. This study aimed at finding out the existing problems of waterfront areas of Bhairab River in Khulna City and thereby proposes some effective recommendations to improve the condition of the waterfront areas. Moreover, this study aimed at pointing out the importance of waterfronts and the ways they influence urban development from social, economic, environmental and aesthetic point of view. Performing questionnaire survey this study collected data on social, economic and environmental factors of influencing or representing the waterfront area (e.g. income, housing condition, education level, encroachment, waterlogging). Results of SWOT analysis showed the major strengths, weakness, opportunity and threats of the area. The major strength is the income generated from industries and the weakness is the excessive disposal of industrial wastes. The approved Detailed Area Development Plan (DAP) 2018 of Khulna Development Authority (KDA) has proposed a well-decorated railway and tourist information center. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses were carried out to develop a conception about the study area and socio-economic condition of its people. The study found that waterfront areas in Khulna City face a number of problems (e.g. pollution, waterlogging, encroachment, inadequate recreational facilities). Considering existing condition this study provided some policy recommendations subdividing the study area into five zones to organize existing land use following proper planning standards. Consequently, waterfronts in Khulna City will be attractive places for people and that will contribute to the sustainable development of the city.

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How to Cite
Istiaque*, S., Ahsan, M. ., Roy, T. K. ., & Rahman, M. M. . (2018). WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE URBAN PLANNING: A CASE STUDY ON BHAIRAB RIVER, KHULNA. PLAN PLUS, 8(1). Retrieved from https://planplusjournal.com/index.php/planplus/article/view/24
Author Biography

Shah Istiaque*, Undergraduate student, Department of Urban & Regional Planning, Khulna University of Engineering and Technology, Khulna

*Corresponding Author

Email: shah.emon105@gmail.com